Lentekabinet 2024 recordings are here!

Wednesday 12 June - 12:44

A month after this year's unforgettable Het Twiske adventure, we're reminiscing Lentekabinet through the recordings from the festival.

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Lentekabinet 2024 timetable is here!

Thursday 25 April - 15:33

Markers out and start planning, the full timetable of Lentekabinet is here to behold!

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Spring is Coming With a Strawberry in the Mouth

Friday 1 March - 11:15

Samen met kunstenaars, scenografen, stagedesigners en festivalcuratoren vieren we op deze avond de (nieuwe) kunstwerken die op Lentekabinet te zien zullen zijn. We stellen de vraag welke rol kunst en design kunnen spelen binnen de context van een festival. [Nederlands gesproken]

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Buckle up, your daily breakdown for Lentekabinet ’24 is here

Wednesday 6 December - 10:52

Day tickets available as of Thursday 7th of November, 12:00 CET

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It's here: we're proud to present Lentekabinet '24

Monday 27 November - 12:00

Let the countdown begin: Lentekabinet is returning to the lush green grounds of Het Twiske in the holiday weekend of May 18 & 19, 2024.

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Introducing the stage curators: Strangelove

Wednesday 22 November - 13:35

With a long-running love affair between Job Jobse and Lentekabinet, this one was definitely in the stars; Job’s very own Strangelove stage!

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Introducing the stage curator: kanaal40

Tuesday 14 November - 15:00

After a stunning stage last year, kanaal40 is back for another round of craziness.

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